With her cousin Byron in February.
With her cousin Carter - he always calls her "Baby Grace." :)
Fun with Q-tips - fun to dump out, put in the box, dump out...
She likes to get the Swiffer out (hey, who am I to stop her??),
so we shortened the handle down to her size one day and she loved it.
Emma supervising the housework.
She recently became really good at shapes and sorting them - this is a toy where each egg has a different shape on the bottom and you have to match them to their shape in the tray. She's knows each shape by name, and even picks up the right egg the first time if we ask her to find a specific shape.
In her chair from Grandpa Tom playing with her laptop toy from Grandma Terry & Grandpa Jim.
...A tense moment in coloring for our little artist.
This is HER chair and she does not like to share it with Daddy or anyone!
I gave her fruit snacks for the first time about a week ago, while she was seated in her high chair. She didn't seem to be eating any, but I could only find a couple of them on the floor and a couple next to her in the high chair. I was a little confused as to where the rest of them had gone - til she ran over to her chair to lay down.

Breakfast at the Capri last Saturday morning.

In the last two weeks, she has really started to like drawing and coloring.